Wednesday, 18 April 2007

The Poor Must Get Up and Say Yoh!! I Can

While helping out a friend with a Fair Trade stall at the Local University we were approached by a guy with a book. Yes folks a guy with a book! He looked the stall over and then said that he was taking business studies and that in his view all that the poor people in other countries need is to learn to do what was in the book he had. He held up a book on positive thinking. It seems that according to him it is all in the mind then. There are no problems of the lack of available economic structure to create wealth. No exploitation by massive corportations. No unfair trade tarrifs. No corrupt governments or debt to the west. No problems of lack of education. Yup! all they need to do is think themselves out of poverty. Maybe in the best American motivational "I have an autonomous self, I can, it will" is sure to bring it all into manifestation.

Yep Sure!! I of course am confident that the above is not what is taught on business studies courses eeerrr I hope!!!

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