Thursday, 15 February 2007

MP3 Players are great

They are better than I thought. I have now bought a Zen 1gb player. Can put together the type of compilations that I want. I have got several folders. One of soft acoustic music another of hard rock where I have my favourites. Also I rag by Nikhil Banerjee in another and a selection of tracks from my favourite radio programme Late Junction (radio4).

The Rach did not take place

Last night went to see a concert of music by Rachmaninov at Wolverhampton Civic Hall. I was really sure that one of the peices to be played was the Second Piano Concerto. It wasn't played.How did I get it wrong. The peices that were played however were still very good.


Could this be a poem

Book Arrived "Buddha and the Terrorist"

Today the book that I ordered last week arrived. It is called Buddha and the terrorist by Satish Kumar. Nice little book but more like a fairy tale. Not sure if a serial killer can be transformed so easily.

Wednesday, 14 February 2007



who was he

Murphy the cat

Strolls in rolls over, strolls out.

Have we a new foundation, cream or dub, apparently this one

which quote will I be putting on

  • no
  • hh


Midnight blogging

It is now afte midnight. I am tired and have been busy today. Tommorow is valentines and am going to a Rachmaninov concert with my girlfreind for some romantic music.